Pascal Super Library
Pascal Super Library (CW International)(1997).bin
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528 lines
* Copyright 1987, 1989 Samuel H. Smith; All rights reserved
* This is a component of the ProDoor System.
* Do not distribute modified versions without my permission.
* Do not remove or alter this notice or any other copyright notice.
* If you use this in your own program you must distribute source code.
* Do not use any of this in a commercial product.
MiniCrt unit
* MiniCrt - simplified version of Borland's CRT unit.
* Does not EVER do direct video. The standard crt unit
* locks up multi-taskers with its direct video checking before
* the user program can turn it off.
* (3-1-89)
stdout: text; (* output through dos for ANSI compatibility *)
function KeyPressed: Boolean;
function ReadKey: Char;
procedure SetScrollPoint(Y2: Byte);
procedure FullScreen;
procedure GotoXY(X,Y: Byte);
function WhereX: Byte;
function WhereY: Byte;
procedure ClrScr;
procedure ClrEol;
procedure NormalVideo;
procedure LowVideo;
procedure ReverseVideo;
procedure BlinkVideo;
BufIO unit
* Bufio - Buffered File I/O Unit (3-1-89)
* This unit provides both read and write buffering on block oriented
* random-access files. It is optimized for sequential reads or writes,
* but will function properly with fully random files.
buffered_file = private;
berr: boolean; (* true if buffered read or write fails *)
procedure bcreate(name: dos_filename);
(* create an empty file; use with bopen to open output files *)
procedure bopen(var bfd: buffered_file; (* file variable *)
name: dos_filename; (* name of file *)
maxrecn: word; (* number of records to buffer *)
recsize: word); (* size of each record *)
(* open a buffered file *) (* sets 'bErr' if not ok *)
procedure bflush(var bfd: buffered_file);
(* write buffer, force re-read on next access *)
procedure bseek(var bfd: buffered_file;
recn: word);
(* set position of buffered file *)
procedure bseekeof(var bfd: buffered_file);
(* set position of buffered file to end-of-file *)
function btell(var bfd: buffered_file): word;
(* tell current record number in buffered file *)
function beof(var bfd: buffered_file): boolean;
(* check for eof on buffered file *)
procedure bread(var bfd: buffered_file;
var dest);
(* buffered read *)
procedure bwrite(var bfd: buffered_file;
var src);
(* buffered write *)
procedure bclose(var bfd: buffered_file);
(* close a buffered file *)
MdosIO unit
* mdosio - library for interface to DOS v3 file access functions (3-1-89)
dos_filename = string[64];
dos_handle = word;
seek_modes = (seek_start {0}, (* seek relative to start of file *)
seek_cur {1}, (* seek from current position *)
seek_end {2}); (* seek from end of file *)
open_modes = (open_read {h40}, (* deny_nothing, allow_read *)
open_write {h41}, (* deny_nothing, allow_write *)
open_update{h42}); (* deny_nothing, allow_read+write *)
dos_error = $FFFF; (* file handle after an error *)
dos_regs: registers;
dos_name: dos_filename;
function dos_open(name: dos_filename;
mode: open_modes): dos_handle;
function dos_create(name: dos_filename): dos_handle;
function dos_read( handle: dos_handle;
var buffer;
bytes: word): word;
procedure dos_write(handle: dos_handle;
var buffer;
bytes: word);
function dos_write_failed: boolean;
procedure dos_lseek(handle: dos_handle;
offset: longint;
method: seek_modes);
procedure dos_rseek(handle: dos_handle;
recnum: word;
recsiz: word;
method: seek_modes);
function dos_tell: longint;
procedure dos_find_eof(fd: dos_handle);
procedure dos_close(handle: dos_handle);
procedure dos_unlink(name: dos_filename);
function dos_exists(name: dos_filename): boolean;
DosMem unit
* dosmem - Dos Memory Management Unit (3-1-89)
* This unit allocates memory via DOS so you don't have to reserve
* heap space in advance.
function dos_maxavail: longint;
procedure dos_getmem(var ptrvar; size: word);
procedure dos_freemem(var ptrvar);
Tools Unit
* Tools - this unit provides a variety of utility functions
* based on the Tool Shop "TOOL-INC" library.
(* --------------------------------------
* various string and character types
filenames = string[namesizes];
anystring = string[128];
longstring = string[255];
string2 = string[2];
string8 = string[8];
string10 = string[10];
string12 = string[12];
string13 = string[13];
string20 = string[20];
string25 = string[25];
string30 = string[30];
string40 = string[40];
string65 = string[65];
string72 = string[72];
string80 = string[80];
string160 = string[160];
string255 = string[255];
char2 = array[1..2] of char;
char3 = array[1..3] of char;
char4 = array[1..4] of char;
char5 = array[1..5] of char;
char6 = array[1..6] of char;
char7 = array[1..7] of char;
char8 = array[1..8] of char;
char9 = array[1..9] of char;
char10 = array[1..10] of char;
char11 = array[1..11] of char;
char12 = array[1..12] of char;
char13 = array[1..13] of char;
char14 = array[1..14] of char;
char15 = array[1..15] of char;
char16 = array[1..16] of char;
char19 = array[1..19] of char;
char24 = array[1..24] of char;
char25 = array[1..25] of char;
char30 = array[1..30] of char;
char39 = array[1..39] of char;
char40 = array[1..40] of char;
char32 = array[1..32] of char;
char35 = array[1..35] of char;
char45 = array[1..45] of char;
char128 = array[1..128] of char;
(* --------------------------------------
* mult-tasker support
tasker: (taskview, (* taskview/omniview/topview/desqview *)
doubledos, (* doubledos *)
notasker, (* single task *)
unknown) = unknown; (* before first call *)
procedure determine_tasker; (* determine what multi-tasker is active, if any *)
procedure give_up_time; (* give up unused time under doubledos *)
procedure delay(ms: longint);
(* delay for a specified number of miliseconds;
give up time while delaying *)
(* --------------------------------------
* bit-set support
maxbit = 40;
bitnumber = 0..39;
bitmap = record
bits: array[0..4] of byte; (* bits 0..39 *)
procedure setbit(var map: bitmap; bitnum: bitnumber; value: boolean);
(* set the specified bit in a bitmap *)
function getbit(map: bitmap; bitnum: bitnumber): boolean;
(* return true/false for specified bit in a bitmap *)
(* --------------------------------------
* byte flag support
function getflag(flag: byte; bitval: byte): boolean;
(* return true/false for specified is set *)
procedure setflag(var flag: byte; bitval: byte; value: boolean);
(* set the specified bit in a flagbyte *)
(* --------------------------------------
* wildcard and filelist support
maxnumfiles = 200;
null = #0;
filearray = array [1.. maxnumfiles] of varstring;
filetable: filearray;
filecount: integer;
procedure getfiles (pattern: string65;
var fdir: filearray;
var num: integer);
function is_wild(filename: string65): boolean;
(* determing if a filespec contains wildcards *)
function wildcard_match (var pattern,
line: string65): boolean;
(* pattern must be upper case; line is not case sensitive;
returns true if wildcard pattern matches line *)
(* --------------------------------------
* filename manipulation utilities
function dir_only(name: filenames): filenames;
(* return directory portion of a full filename *)
function ext_only(name: filenames): filenames;
(* return .EXT portion of a full filename *)
function file_size(name: string65): longint;
(* return the actual size of a file *)
function path_only(name: filenames): filenames;
(* return directory portion of a filename with trailing "\" *)
function remove_ext(name: filenames): filenames;
(* return all except .EXT *)
function remove_path(name: filenames): filenames;
(* return all except drive:\directory prefix *)
procedure cons_name(var resu: filenames;
name1,name2,ext: filenames);
(* construct a full filename based on the given filename
parts and extention *)
procedure cons_path(var path: filenames;
dir,name: filenames);
(* construct a full pathname based on a directory and filename *)
(* --------------------------------------
* variable allocation string support
varstring = ^longstring;
(* NOTE: you must pre-initialize all varstring variables to 'nil'
before using any procedure in this library *)
procedure releasestr( var str: varstring);
(* release the memory used by a varstring variable. variable MUST
be pre-allocated or the program may crash!!! *)
procedure savestr( var tostr: varstring;
from: longstring);
(* save a regular string in a varstring; new allocation of varstring *)
procedure vappends(var line: varstring; s: anystring);
(* append a string to a variable allocation string *)
(* --------------------------------------
* "basic" format 'single' and 'double' conversions
double = array[0..7] of byte;
single = array[0..3] of byte;
function dtof(B: double): real;
(* convert 8 byte double to real *)
procedure ftod(PasReal: real; var B: double);
(* convert real to 8 byte double *)
function dtol(B: double): longint;
(* convert 8 byte double to long integer *)
function stof(B: single): real;
(* convert 4 byte single to real *)
procedure ftos(PasReal: real; var B: single);
(* convert real to 4 byte single *)
procedure ltos(l: longint; var B: single);
function stol(s: single): longint;
procedure zeros(var B: single);
procedure incd(var d: double; n: real);
procedure incs(var s: single; n: real);
(* --------------------------------------
* ascii to binary conversions
function atof (asc: anystring): real;
(* ascii to float *)
function atoi (asc: anystring): integer;
(* ascii to signed integer *)
function atol (asc: anystring): longint;
(* ascii to long integer *)
function atow (asc: anystring): word;
(* ascii to unsigned integer *)
(* --------------------------------------
* binary to ascii conversions
function ltoa (int: longint): string8;
(* long integer to ascii *)
function stoa(s: single): string10;
(* "basic" single to ascii *)
function ftoa(f: real; width,dec: integer): string20;
(* floating point to ascii *)
function itoa (int: integer): string8;
(* integer to ascii *)
function itoh(i: longint): string8;
(* integer to hex digits *)
function wtoa (w: word): string8;
(* unsigned integer to ascii *)
function strval (i: integer): string2;
(* return 2 digits from an integer; leading zero provided
if needed; used to build date/time strings *)
(* --------------------------------------
* real-time clock support
function get_mins: integer;
(* return time in minutes since midnight *)
function get_time: real;
(* return time in seconds since midnight *)
function lget_ms: longint;
(* return time in seconds*100 since midnight *)
function lget_time: longint;
(* return time in seconds since midnight *)
function system_time: string8;
(* return time of day as hh:mm *)
function system_date: string8;
(* return current date as mm-dd-yy *)
function system_dd: string2;
(* return day of month *)
function system_mm: string2;
(* return month number *)
function system_yy: string2;
(* return year *)
(* --------------------------------------
* string formatting and manipulation
function ljust(s: string80; w: integer): string80;
(* left justify a string *)
function rjust(s: string80; w: integer): string80;
(* right justify a string *)
procedure delete_leading_spaces(var line: string);
procedure delete_trailing_spaces(var line: string);
(* remove spaces from front or back of a string *)
procedure replace_string( var line: longstring; oldstr, newstr: string65);
(* perform string replacement if possible *)
procedure stoupper(var st: string);
(* map a string to upper case *)
qRead unit
* QRead - Quick ReadLn Unit for Strings
procedure qReadLn( var fd: text; {text file to read from}
var dest: string; {destination string}
maxlen: word ); {sizeof dest string}
OpenShare unit
* OpenShare - TPAS 5.0 unit for shared text files (3-1-89)
* Use AssignText instead of Assign to create a text file
* with full DOS 3.x file sharing (as implemented for binary
* files by MDosIO)
procedure AssignText(var F: Text; FileName: dos_filename);
(* use instead of Assign() for shared text files *)